Once upon a time, the freedom and equality sought by African-Americans was considered a states rights issue. That's why Bull Connor and Lester Maddox, small-time southern officials who stood in the way of those rights, were thankfully vanquished by federal troops.
Why is Terri Schiavo's right to live subjugated to another low-level southern county official? Tell me, cultural leftists, what is the difference?
Congress Has to Step In
Of course, we need to start with the facts.
1. No one really knows what happened to Terri. Some think she had a stroke, an event or accident that caused the oxygen to stop going to her brain. There's talk that she may have had a head injury. She had been dieting, and her potassium levels may have been low.
2. Doctors do not agree on the diagnosis/prognosis of this patient. After all, her husband will not allow an MRI to see what's going on. Neither will he allow her physical rehabilitation, nor time outside the warehouse he has her in right now. No sunshine. No way.
3. If Mr. Schiavo gets his way, Terri will dehydrate until she is dead, a cruel process that may last seven days or more. When she does expire, he will have her immediately cremated. No autopsy. How strange.
4. Mr. Schiavo didn't remember the thoughtless statement that Terri had made about not wanting to be kept kept alive by machines when she was in her early twenties--until seven years into Terri's condition (by the way, she's not on a machine...she is not vegetative) .
5. Mr. Schiavo must belong to the Moveon.org club because he not only moved on, he moved in with another woman and had two illegitimate children with her. No wonder he wants to move on. It takes money to raise a family. He doesn't make much on his nurse's wages.
6. Mr. Schiavo won a civil suit that awarded him nearly 1.5 million dollars for the care of and therapy for his wife, Terri. When that occurred, the jury likely didn't know he'd be using it to set up a college fund for his kids.
7. Terri parents, the Schindlers, and her siblings want to take over total control and care of Terri. All they ask is that the husband divorce her.
8. The only judge to hear this case for five years has been some yokel who has consistently refused to view or see Terri in her environment. Moreover, he refused to allow cameras or videos because he said it would be disruptive and provocative. Uh huh.
9. The Federal Government not only has the right, but the duty to protect its citizens from being killed by the state and her husband.
Legalism Killed Christ
We've seen legalisms trump humanity throughout history. We saw it when the Brits refused to allow the St. Louis, a boat full of refugee Jews, to anchor at their ports in the middle east. The Jews were returned to Germany to meet their deaths in concentration camps.
We saw legalistic inhumanity when Elian Gonzalez was physically removed, ala storm troopers, from his home in Miami to return to Castro's nasty, gnarled, cigar-stained grasp.
And we read of it when Jesus tried to explain to the pharisees that they were all wrong, that their legalistic view of God was off the mark. Regardless of miracles and proof of His existence as the Son of God, man's pride and fear of loss of prestige and position threw the ruling Jews and Pontius Pilate in an unthinkable position. If they let Him live, they'd have to look at His teachings and run the risk they had been wrong. Let Rome kill him, they thought.
Is our little penny ante judge in south swampland just another pharisee, a Pilate, a self-serving judicial bureaucrat? Or is he rather a silly little man in way above his head and too afraid to admit it?
What must our judge and Schiavo himself and his new family think when they see that Terri's into the third day of dehydration? Do they ignore it, compartmentalize it, or do they lie awake at night thinking about the absolute barbarism of this?
This Must Stop Immediately
If it can happen to Terri, it can happen to you. I suggest you email Darrell Issa, Feinstein and Boxer and insist that that they join the rest of congress in their attempt to save this poor child's life and stop these hyenas from putting her in an urn.
Meanwhile, time's running out. Support Congress in their rescue of Terri Schiavo.
http://www.capwiz.com/lwv/bio/?id=40137&lvl=C&chamber=H (Darrell Issa, Representative)
Thanks for the read.
Why is Terri Schiavo's right to live subjugated to another low-level southern county official? Tell me, cultural leftists, what is the difference?
Congress Has to Step In
Of course, we need to start with the facts.
1. No one really knows what happened to Terri. Some think she had a stroke, an event or accident that caused the oxygen to stop going to her brain. There's talk that she may have had a head injury. She had been dieting, and her potassium levels may have been low.
2. Doctors do not agree on the diagnosis/prognosis of this patient. After all, her husband will not allow an MRI to see what's going on. Neither will he allow her physical rehabilitation, nor time outside the warehouse he has her in right now. No sunshine. No way.
3. If Mr. Schiavo gets his way, Terri will dehydrate until she is dead, a cruel process that may last seven days or more. When she does expire, he will have her immediately cremated. No autopsy. How strange.
4. Mr. Schiavo didn't remember the thoughtless statement that Terri had made about not wanting to be kept kept alive by machines when she was in her early twenties--until seven years into Terri's condition (by the way, she's not on a machine...she is not vegetative) .
5. Mr. Schiavo must belong to the Moveon.org club because he not only moved on, he moved in with another woman and had two illegitimate children with her. No wonder he wants to move on. It takes money to raise a family. He doesn't make much on his nurse's wages.
6. Mr. Schiavo won a civil suit that awarded him nearly 1.5 million dollars for the care of and therapy for his wife, Terri. When that occurred, the jury likely didn't know he'd be using it to set up a college fund for his kids.
7. Terri parents, the Schindlers, and her siblings want to take over total control and care of Terri. All they ask is that the husband divorce her.
8. The only judge to hear this case for five years has been some yokel who has consistently refused to view or see Terri in her environment. Moreover, he refused to allow cameras or videos because he said it would be disruptive and provocative. Uh huh.
9. The Federal Government not only has the right, but the duty to protect its citizens from being killed by the state and her husband.
Legalism Killed Christ
We've seen legalisms trump humanity throughout history. We saw it when the Brits refused to allow the St. Louis, a boat full of refugee Jews, to anchor at their ports in the middle east. The Jews were returned to Germany to meet their deaths in concentration camps.
We saw legalistic inhumanity when Elian Gonzalez was physically removed, ala storm troopers, from his home in Miami to return to Castro's nasty, gnarled, cigar-stained grasp.
And we read of it when Jesus tried to explain to the pharisees that they were all wrong, that their legalistic view of God was off the mark. Regardless of miracles and proof of His existence as the Son of God, man's pride and fear of loss of prestige and position threw the ruling Jews and Pontius Pilate in an unthinkable position. If they let Him live, they'd have to look at His teachings and run the risk they had been wrong. Let Rome kill him, they thought.
Is our little penny ante judge in south swampland just another pharisee, a Pilate, a self-serving judicial bureaucrat? Or is he rather a silly little man in way above his head and too afraid to admit it?
What must our judge and Schiavo himself and his new family think when they see that Terri's into the third day of dehydration? Do they ignore it, compartmentalize it, or do they lie awake at night thinking about the absolute barbarism of this?
This Must Stop Immediately
If it can happen to Terri, it can happen to you. I suggest you email Darrell Issa, Feinstein and Boxer and insist that that they join the rest of congress in their attempt to save this poor child's life and stop these hyenas from putting her in an urn.
Meanwhile, time's running out. Support Congress in their rescue of Terri Schiavo.
http://www.capwiz.com/lwv/bio/?id=40137&lvl=C&chamber=H (Darrell Issa, Representative)
Thanks for the read.
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