Monday, March 07, 2005

All He Needed Was a Good Daddy

Watching Bill Clinton bloom into a gentleman is almost enough to forgive the guy. He even slept on the floor and left the bed for George the Elder during their travels to save the world.

What the World Needs Now
A child of divorce with an abusive stepfather and a hard-as-nails mother, Bill Clinton didn't have the luxury of an honorable male role model. His real father was a drunk traveling salesman who died in an auto accident when Bill was little. No one ever showed this wonderfully able man, President Clinton, how to act outside his self interest. Now, he's appropriately deferential towards the older President Bush. I'm impressed.

I Love it When I'm Right (which ain't often)
I was the baby of a highly competitive nuclear family. My extended family included a bunch of cousins whose parents ate Ph.Ds for breakfasts and lunch. At that family table, I learned when to hold em, when to fold em, and when to call.

I'm here to call.

I wrote a column last year defending the president's decision to enter Iraq, remove Hussein, change the regime. Regardless of the evidence of WMDs, I wanted regime change because I believed that democracy loves close borders. I was right; more importantly, the president was right.

I also wrote a column last year about Putin and the danger he presents to his country and thus, to the rest of the world. I stated that any ex-KGB director can't tolerate the results of liberty, bad or good. I also knew we had let down the entire region by not accomplishing a follow-through foreign loan program. The crooks took over; and we didn't fix it. One more time, we were outwitted by authoritarians who say anything, anything to stay in business. But, about Tzar Putin, I was right on.

I apologize. It's just that being right once or twice does me good!

Front Street Gallery
I've been absent from blogsphere because I'm opening an art gallery in old town Temecula, California on March 15th. I've not completely given up writing. I'm just pacing myself.

Thanks for the read.

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