Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Wake Up, America

I don't know what it will take to get Americans to awaken to the dread and reality of this terrorist war. Another 9-11?

Probably not. They'd just blame President Bush again.

Come On! Come On!
I contend that any country who has a full generation without a draft, i.e., never having to defend itself, is headed for disaster.

We've got the media who consist mainly of sixties-style anti-war creeps, and another bunch of people who have never had it so good economically, who are generally uninformed and pretty stupid. Add to that their relativist social model, and voila' you've got major pantywaists. Lots of brawn from hours at the gym, and little from few hours spent reading something other than Vanity Fair.

Currently, I believe we've slipped into a silliness that will only be reversed when the dying see their own sweet reason ahead of them. After all, disrespectful men and women produce disrespectful results.

I Hated the Feminist Movement...
even when I liked it.

We've feminized everything in this society to the point where we female-types have no one to save us (yes, that includes you, Mr. Metrosexual).

Meanwhile, the kiddies (at script meetings, editorial meetings, bookdeal meetings, publicist's meetings, congressional aide meeting) currently masquerading as grown-ups (they actually get to vote too, you know), haven't a clue as to what makes things go round and around.

For example: what would move a essayist like Dowdy to knowingly put her country's men and women in jeopardy, or a silly little woman like Fonda to add to her countrymen's torture as she did when she was made a pit stop at the Hanoi Hilton? Think of it! What motivates an individual to love humanity more than the human? Oh, how very leftist of them, how so socialististic.

My unsophisticated brain says they're either awfully cruel and inhuman or crazy. Or both.

The War is Still Going On
Get off the president's back already. My God, the man has done wonderful things. The right-wing needs to sit down and shut up, the middle needs to give the president the support he needs (I'm mad at Warner and Frist for their betrayal of the president today), and the rest of us need to do what's right by our service people.

This smells just like the sixties anti-war crap that caused the deaths of 50,000 men and women to be in vain, plus the lives of two-million or so Vietnamese and Cambodians. How could they? And why? To be different, to be a thinker, someone to be looked up to?

I Was There.
These people, these dissidents, these antisocial, antiAmerican pariah who had the gaul to spit on people like my brother when he returned from three TDYs in Vietnam, these morally deficient, valueless, soulless, unrepenting Narcissists are the very same ones who caused the South Vietnamese to lose their war.

We cannot allow this to occur again. In Vietnam, we had not only the manpower, but the technology to win that war. We were there for legitimate, anti-Communist self-interest reasons.

But, the Fifth Column, the press/antiwar movement won. They forced Lyndon Johnson, another soulless politician to hold back and de-escalate that war. Then Nixon, that SOB, puts another four years on the bill as Kissinger kissed up to the North Vietnamese in Paris. It was disgraceful.

We saw what happened when we cut and run. We saw how millions of people died. We saw the effects up close and personal when our military people came home. Yeah, they said the same thing back then. You can support the military without supporting the war. Bullcrap.

Enough is enough. Bill Maher and Daily are no longer as amusing when you think about the effect their words have on our people. Think seriously before you yuk it up at some soldier's expense.

Put the entertainment on the back burner, and the priority back on the people who are doing our dirty work for us.

Thanks for the read.

Oh, by the way. If you're interested in a painting, take a look at my website.


Anonymous said...

Wow, You're intelligent.

Andrea Margot Hall said...

Ihate it when I preach, Silky!

Anonymous said...

Andrea, do you consider perhaps that you use too much anger and blind faith in these arguments without giving acknowledgement to the other side?
Certainly some of the points you make are relevant, but perhaps an acknowledgement of the balance in this world would make for an opinion that can be taken seriously as opposed to a mad rant.

Andrea Margot Hall said...

Ah, balance. There is, after all, so much balance in DYING.

See, Anon, you just don't get it. People get killed because other people don't agree with them. It's happened since day one and will continue. That's balance, pal.

Anonymous said...

I see you follow in your "great president's" tradition of deliberately misunderstanding (or perhaps being a bit too thick) to deliver a response that is not addressing the major point of my posting.
Merely that what I'm reading here are the one-eyed rantings of a woman blinded perhaps to the logic of opposing theories.
Dying? How is that relevant to what I said here? Of course people die when there are conflicting arguments, it's happened since the beginning of time, but that's just not relevant to what I said.

Andrea Margot Hall said...

"One-eyed rantings."

You're a screen writer, aren't ya?

Look, the gloves are off. I consider this war to be the war to end all...

I will not back down.

As for dying, I believe I made my case in my essay.

Thanks for writing.

Andrea Hall

Anonymous said...

Bugger me woman, I'm not contesting you on the war, or the topic of dying!
Back down or don't, that's not the discussion here.
I was merely trying to introduce you to the concept that perhaps your points of view would be more believable if they weren't one-sided. At least acknowledge there is more to it.
But I can see that you still aren't getting it.
And a copy writer? No, I'm not like yourself, I'm in the political game. I've been debating with one-eyed politicians for years, which is why I'm always fed up when I see people who think that having a rant on their pet topic makes them look intelligent.
I wouldn't have even considered commenting except for poor Silky Sammy.
Another lost sole who thinks rants = intelligence!

Andrea Margot Hall said...

I've given your comment more thought.

The act of dying is relevant, so germane because it is what people of conscience are willing to do when they're tested. When ideals they've had and attested to all their lives come to their feet and look up to them like little children.

Why is that not relevant to my argument? The object of war is to kill or be killed. What don't you get?

I will not allow you, as so many others have, to depreciate this argument based on your au' courant rules. This is no longer a debate. We are at war. Like it or not, my friend. We are at war.

Or not?

Andrea Margot Hall said...

Ohhhh. I see. So this was an attack on style.

Well, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the debate Andrea.
It's always good to have some sparring, gets the brain fired up don't you think?
Thank you for maintaining an interest in the world at large, I too believe that too many people are blase and don't realise that there are important things that are happening and which they should be witness to.
It's important to have passionate people like yourself to keep the rest of us thinking.

Andrea Margot Hall said...

You ARE a devil! Wow.

Yes, that was fun, and it showed me how far I'll go to keep my focus and point.

Thank you for the debating lesson.


Andrea Margot Hall said...

Psst. Devil. Over here.

I've really had better rants than this.