...instead of acting like equal partners in a worldwide conflict against terrorism.
Harriet Miers is the President's Choice
The patriarch baloney should stop. Mainstream Republicans of boths sexes need to stand up to the ungrateful right wing of our party. It is difficult to believe they'd rather be right than an important part of a support system for the president in time of war.
This irresponsible behavior reminds me that their ideals are in conflict with what most people profess to want--to succeed in the war on terror. Roe v. Wade is settled law. Why fight now? Does God really want his servants to put an entire nation at risk because their pride can't take the perceived insult from the Party? Where is that written, please?
The Long Blades Are Out
If our opponents' hateful words could kill, all of us Republicans would be dead thousands of times. Moreover, we have many more assaults ahead of us. The last thing this country needs is a split in our party.
I'm not asking for conservatives to put their knives away forever. I'm simply begging them to have faith.
Meanwhile, I hope these gentlemen get off their sexist kick soon. It's extremely unbecoming.
Thanks for the read.
Harriet Miers is the President's Choice
The patriarch baloney should stop. Mainstream Republicans of boths sexes need to stand up to the ungrateful right wing of our party. It is difficult to believe they'd rather be right than an important part of a support system for the president in time of war.
This irresponsible behavior reminds me that their ideals are in conflict with what most people profess to want--to succeed in the war on terror. Roe v. Wade is settled law. Why fight now? Does God really want his servants to put an entire nation at risk because their pride can't take the perceived insult from the Party? Where is that written, please?
The Long Blades Are Out
If our opponents' hateful words could kill, all of us Republicans would be dead thousands of times. Moreover, we have many more assaults ahead of us. The last thing this country needs is a split in our party.
I'm not asking for conservatives to put their knives away forever. I'm simply begging them to have faith.
Meanwhile, I hope these gentlemen get off their sexist kick soon. It's extremely unbecoming.
Thanks for the read.