African-American entertainers show up at the evacuee centers to buoy the storm-ravaged's spirits.
Black bosses, preachers and the usual suspects line up to lie to the people they say they love and respect: black folks. Make that poor black folks.
When they hear the truth about New Orleans' Mayor Nagin and his criminal handling of this emergency, will some prominent black person step up, not excuse Mayor Nagin's part in this mess?
Or will we, as a culture, again lie about what we see and hear?
It's difficult to blame black, successful people in America who don't take responsiblity for the lies told on their behalf. After all, they can't forget where they come from, lest they get called an uncle or plantation black. God help him or her if Harry Belafonte doesn't approve of their politics.
Oprah to the Rescue
Gee, I have a hard time messing with Oprah. She has a good heart. But, she's clueless here.
Instead of showing women how to look fifty pounds thinner or fifteen years younger, why the hell doesn't she concentrate on lessons to save lives? When one thinks of the numbers of poor women who are home during the day watching her, you have to wonder why didn't she step up to the plate herself?
Maybe one of her books of the week could be the FEMA manual, in which it states clearly that disaster victims probably will be on their own for three days or more.
If anyone has enough curiosity, he could ask to see the FEMA website at the neighborhood library.
Instead of citing human nature and stupidity as the culprit, these ethnic pimps have decided that George Bush will be the SOB of this century. But the truth is this: people with children chose to ignore common sense and direct evacuation orders. It's like a mother leaving a child in a locked car on a summer day in Phoenix! Come on. What responsible mother would put her children in harm's way? If nothing else, maternal instinct would help you find a way out of that city, wouldn't it?
Of the thousands upon thousands of cars passing above them, could these women not stand along the interstate with their kids and beg for rides out? No one would've picked them up because they're black? If that's true, then Americans aren't as wonderful as they said they are.
This latest generation of notoriously corrupt Louisiana officials, hand picked by their Democrat bosses, have found out there's more than jive and jazz to running a big city. Their neglect of the poor, weak and sick amongst them is unconscionable.
Maybe the Pres Wasn't Such A Jerk After All
Few seem to know that the president called Governor Blanco three or four times prior to the hurricane and gave her a plan for evacuation, According to the Washington Post, September lst's edition, the president's office faxed her three memos summarizing the plan. He called her and begged her to let him federalize New Orleans. The president was ready to step in immediately. She ignored it, saying it was too complex.
I just wish the president had gone ahead and told Nagin and Blanco to go to their rooms. Because he didn't, because he respects the rule of law and our system of federalism and trusted these local leaders to do their jobs, he hates black people.
We all know, though, if he had taken over, the Bush Haters would say it was because Blanco is a woman and Nagin is black. When's this doublespeak going to stop?
Thanks for the read.
Black bosses, preachers and the usual suspects line up to lie to the people they say they love and respect: black folks. Make that poor black folks.
When they hear the truth about New Orleans' Mayor Nagin and his criminal handling of this emergency, will some prominent black person step up, not excuse Mayor Nagin's part in this mess?
Or will we, as a culture, again lie about what we see and hear?
It's difficult to blame black, successful people in America who don't take responsiblity for the lies told on their behalf. After all, they can't forget where they come from, lest they get called an uncle or plantation black. God help him or her if Harry Belafonte doesn't approve of their politics.
Oprah to the Rescue
Gee, I have a hard time messing with Oprah. She has a good heart. But, she's clueless here.
Instead of showing women how to look fifty pounds thinner or fifteen years younger, why the hell doesn't she concentrate on lessons to save lives? When one thinks of the numbers of poor women who are home during the day watching her, you have to wonder why didn't she step up to the plate herself?
Maybe one of her books of the week could be the FEMA manual, in which it states clearly that disaster victims probably will be on their own for three days or more.
If anyone has enough curiosity, he could ask to see the FEMA website at the neighborhood library.
Instead of citing human nature and stupidity as the culprit, these ethnic pimps have decided that George Bush will be the SOB of this century. But the truth is this: people with children chose to ignore common sense and direct evacuation orders. It's like a mother leaving a child in a locked car on a summer day in Phoenix! Come on. What responsible mother would put her children in harm's way? If nothing else, maternal instinct would help you find a way out of that city, wouldn't it?
Of the thousands upon thousands of cars passing above them, could these women not stand along the interstate with their kids and beg for rides out? No one would've picked them up because they're black? If that's true, then Americans aren't as wonderful as they said they are.
This latest generation of notoriously corrupt Louisiana officials, hand picked by their Democrat bosses, have found out there's more than jive and jazz to running a big city. Their neglect of the poor, weak and sick amongst them is unconscionable.
Maybe the Pres Wasn't Such A Jerk After All
Few seem to know that the president called Governor Blanco three or four times prior to the hurricane and gave her a plan for evacuation, According to the Washington Post, September lst's edition, the president's office faxed her three memos summarizing the plan. He called her and begged her to let him federalize New Orleans. The president was ready to step in immediately. She ignored it, saying it was too complex.
I just wish the president had gone ahead and told Nagin and Blanco to go to their rooms. Because he didn't, because he respects the rule of law and our system of federalism and trusted these local leaders to do their jobs, he hates black people.
We all know, though, if he had taken over, the Bush Haters would say it was because Blanco is a woman and Nagin is black. When's this doublespeak going to stop?
Thanks for the read.